For now, it’s working so don’t want to do anything to mess it up.Īnother update - just now I opened up my old IP pro after installing IP Pro 3 and now it doesn’t crash either so I can use either app. I’ll just leave both of them on my phone for a month or so and maybe delete the old one then. I did not delete the old app or try to open it.
I even left a camera open for a full hour. After downloading it, all I had to do was enter my same old password info from the original IP Pro and it loaded up no problem and hasn’t crashed a single time. One of the other commentators said he downloaded IP Pro 3 and it worked for him. Whoever designed the update needs to immediately go back to whatever it was before. The App crashes right after you click on it. After doing the update, the program will no longer work. You have done a good job (25 October 2017). Finally, your current app is already good enough for most people. This gives users a WIDER CHOICE OF APPS that fit their system. Then when you create a new version, call it IP-PRO2 or IP-PRO3 or IP-PRO4.etc. You’re all set Enjoy the high-speed online privacy and freedom you deserve. Choose the server location you want to connect to, then click the CONNECT button. Open the IPVanish app on your macOS device, and log into your account. IP Scanner is all about customizing the way you view your network. Download the IPVanish Mac VPN app in the App Store. Powerful results, yet easy and intuitive to use. Finally, a tip to the programmers: If you feel the need to update this app, leave IP-PRO in the apple store to let people download the old version. IP Scanner Pro for Macintosh scans your local area network to determine the identity of all machines and internet devices on the LAN. Plus you can also download apps similar to IP-PRO like ESEECLOUD and CORSEE).
Also try not to upgrade your iPad from 10.3.1 to 11.0.3. (For users, if this app works, do not update it should there be a new version. If you update IP-PRO, and it stops working, people will stop buying the NVR that uses IP-PRO. As a result, people have stopped buying 4CH/8CH CCTV NVRs that are associated with these apps. After their update they became really lousy. These apps include: P2PWIFICAM and FREEIP and XMeye. For example, programmers from other companies have updated their P2P monitoring app and they have either all stopped working altogether or contain countless bugs in them. TO THE CREATORS OF THIS APP: please please please DO NOT UPDATE IP-PRO.

Sure, the app might work when you start, but give it time, and you’ll have a 2 AM night like I did. If you purchased a security system only to discover it needs this app, grab the receipt, take it back, get another. Without the first, you cannot get the latter two. The whole point of downloading an app is to have 1) functionality 2) access, and 3) convenience. You hastily scroll through your phone for the IP Pro app, you click it, it starts loading.then crashes. You purchased it to keep an eye on things and now it would pay off. It’s 2 o clock at night, you’re laying in bed fast asleep, then *BANG* you’re jolted awake, you don’t know where the sound came from “was it our neighbors, was it the cat knocking stuff over again, did I imagine it?” All these things run through your mind in seconds, and then you remember that security system. Did your security system turn you here? Get another security system.